We live in a world where image matters. In order to stand a chance in today’s highly competitive marketplace, your company must set itself apart from rivals and reach out to consumers. Branding plays a major role in this process. It lets people know what they can expect from you. Precisely because it’s so important, branding can be a difficult and daunting prospect. However, help is at hand. This introductory guide will help you get to grips with the basics.

Create the perfect logo – and use it!

First things first, you’ll need to create a logo. This must be visually appealing and it should perfectly encapsulate the essence of your organisation. Don’t panic if you don’t know the first thing about graphic design. As long as you have some basic ideas and know what statement you want to make about your business, you can pass the tricky task of creating your logo onto specialist third parties. Of course, there’s no point in investing time and money on an emblem like this if you don’t actually use it. To bolster your branding efforts, make sure you feature your logo everywhere. It should appear on your signs, website, promotional material and correspondence. You can also take advantage of FireLabel bulk t-shirt printing services to help you showcase the symbol on your staff uniforms.

company brandingBe coherent in your communications

Another top tip is to be coherent in your communications. Bear in mind that, in effect, your brand represents a promise to consumers. Whether you promote yourself as a premium, high-quality company, a reliable but low-cost option or anything else, you must be consistent in order to build consumer trust.

To help with this, create guidelines for your written and visual communications. It doesn’t matter whether you choose to be traditional and formal or contemporary and conversational. The important thing is that you always stay on message. It also helps to have a catchy tagline that encapsulates the essence of your firm.

Get your employees on board

Bear in mind that each and every one of your employees serves as a brand ambassador. When they’re at work, they are representing your business. This means they should be well versed in your business mantra. To ensure your personnel showcase your company in the best possible light, it pays off to provide them with brand awareness training.

Don’t let standards slip

Creating a positive company image is no mean feat. It can takes months or even years of hard work. However, in today’s era of mass communication and social media, just one serious slip up can destroy a business’ reputation overnight. This means that to keep your brand in consumers’ good books, you’ll have to make sure you uphold the highest standards at all times.

By Marcela